What is Anglia Ruskin Harvard referencing?

Anglia Ruskin University referencing, or Anglia Ruskin Harvard referencing, is a variation of the Harvard style specific to Anglia Ruskin University. As the Harvard style is simply defined as following the Author-Date system, the exact details can vary between universities so it’s important that you follow the style outlined by your educational institution.

You can find full details of the Anglia Ruskin Harvard referencing system in the Anglia Ruskin University guide, which you can download online.

How to Anglia Ruskin Harvard reference

In-text citations are placed in brackets containing the author’s surname and date of publication, with the full publication details located in the bibliography, where you should list full details of all the sources you have used.

For Harvard referencing in the Anglia Ruskin style, you capitalise author names and the first word of titles. The whole title needs to be italicised and you must remain consistent throughout.

Alternatively, just pick up the Cite This For Me mobile app or use our easy web tool and have the whole thing formatted for you automatically, in seconds. All you’ll need is the authors’ name or title of the book. Leave Cite This For Me to do the rest.

Anglia Ruskin Harvard referencing example

In-text example:

(Cottrell, 2013)

Bibliography example:

Cottrell, S., 2013. The study skills handbook. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.