Popular ALTEX style Citation Examples

How to cite a Book in ALTEX style

Use the following template to cite a book using the ALTEX citation style.

Reference List

Place this part in your bibliography or reference list at the end of your assignment.


Author Surname, Author Initial. Year Published. Title. Publisher, City.


Lentze, G. 2013. Islamic headscarf debate rekindled in France - BBC News. BBC News. Available at: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-21997089 [Accessed April 29, 2015].

In-text citation

Place this part right after the quote or reference to the source in your assignment.


(Author Surname, Year Published)


""Bans like this undermine the rights of women who choose to wear the veil and does little to protect those who are compelled to do so, just as laws in other countries forcing women to dress in a particular way undermine their rights to freedom of religion and expression."" (Lentze, 2013)

How to cite a Journal in ALTEX style

Use the following template to cite a journal using the ALTEX citation style.

Reference List

Place this part in your bibliography or reference list at the end of your assignment.


Author Surname, Author Initial. Year Published. Title. Publication Title Volume number: Pages Used. Available at: http://Website-Url [Accessed October 10, 2013].


Parry, W. 2015. Naughty or Nice? A Brain Chemical May Tell. LiveScience.com. Available at: http://www.livescience.com/25587-greed-empathy-oxytocin.html [Accessed April 27, 2015].

In-text citation

Place this part right after the quote or reference to the source in your assignment.


(Author Surname, Year Published)


“Chemicals in your body can influence how generous or selfish you are..” (Parry, 2015)

How to cite Film or Movie in ALTEX style

Use the following template to cite a film or movie using the ALTEX citation style.

Reference List

Place this part in your bibliography or reference list at the end of your assignment.


Anon. Year Published. Title. Publisher, City.


Brown, J. 2014. Case Study.

In-text citation

Place this part right after the quote or reference to the source in your assignment.


(Anon, Year Published)


The community will make or break you. (Brown, 2014)

How to cite an Online image or video in ALTEX style

Use the following template to cite an online image or video using the ALTEX citation style.

Reference List

Place this part in your bibliography or reference list at the end of your assignment.


Author Surname, Author Initial. Year Published. Title. Available at: http://Website-Url [Accessed October 10, 2013].


Anderson, I. 2015. Interprofessional/Interagency/Partnership working - Online Class, Week 2.

In-text citation

Place this part right after the quote or reference to the source in your assignment.


(Author Surname, Year Published)


Dowling et al identify possible indicators of success in terms of: the processes adopted by partnerships, and the outcomes of the partnerships.
. (Anderson, 2015)

How to cite a Website in ALTEX style

Use the following template to cite a website using the ALTEX citation style.

Reference List

Place this part in your bibliography or reference list at the end of your assignment.


Author Surname, Author Initial. Year Published. Title. Available at: http://Website-Url [Accessed October 10, 2013].


Jaafar, S. 2011. Hungry. Sarah jaafar, Sydney.

In-text citation

Place this part right after the quote or reference to the source in your assignment.


(Author Surname, Year Published)


Sarah is hungry (Jaafar, 2011)

Additional ALTEX style Citation Examples

How to cite a Blog in ALTEX style

Use the following template to cite a blog using the ALTEX citation style.

Reference List

Place this part in your bibliography or reference list at the end of your assignment.


Author Surname, Author Initial. Year Published. Title. Publication Title. Available at: http://Website-Url [Accessed October 10, 2013].


Reasons.org,. 2015. Reasons To Believe : Want to Know How to Eat a Balanced Diet on the Go? Ask Slime. Available at: http://www.reasons.org/articles/want-to-know-how-to-eat-a-balanced-diet-on-the-go-ask-slime [Accessed April 30, 2015].

In-text citation

Place this part right after the quote or reference to the source in your assignment.


(Author Surname, Year Published)


the plasmodium grows by consuming organic materials like bacteria through the secretion of digestive enzymes and phagocytosis (engulfing its food). (Reasons.org, 2015)

How to cite a Court case in ALTEX style

Use the following template to cite a court case using the ALTEX citation style.

Reference List

Place this part in your bibliography or reference list at the end of your assignment.


Anon. Year Published. Title.


Greenpeace,. 1991. Slaughter in paradise. The exploitation of Sea Turtles in Indonesia. Greenpeace. Available at: [Accessed May 1, 2015].

In-text citation

Place this part right after the quote or reference to the source in your assignment.


(Anon, Year Published)


Green turtle being butchered alive. (Greenpeace, 1991)

How to cite a Dictionary entry in ALTEX style

Use the following template to cite a dictionary entry using the ALTEX citation style.

Reference List

Place this part in your bibliography or reference list at the end of your assignment.


Author Surname, Author Initial. Year Published. Title. Publication TitlePages Used. Available at: http://Website-Url [Accessed October 10, 2013].


Hanauer, C., and R. Seidman. 2015. Welcome to Hanauer and Seidman Antiquesuntitled. Hanauerandseidmanantiques.com. Available at: http://www.hanauerandseidmanantiques.com/SterlingChatellaine.jpg [Accessed June 1, 2014].

In-text citation

Place this part right after the quote or reference to the source in your assignment.


(Author Surname, Year Published)


picture of chatelaine in the introduction (Hanauer and Seidman, 2015)

How to cite an E-book or PDF in ALTEX style

Use the following template to cite an e-book or pdf using the ALTEX citation style.

Reference List

Place this part in your bibliography or reference list at the end of your assignment.


Author Surname, Author Initial. Year Published. Title. Publisher, City. Available at: http://Website-Url [Accessed October 10, 2013].


Leginfo.legislature.ca.gov,. 2015. Bill Text - AB-258 Organ transplants: medical marijuana: qualified patients. Available at: http://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billNavClient.xhtml?bill_id=201520160AB258&search_keywords= [Accessed May 1, 2015].

In-text citation

Place this part right after the quote or reference to the source in your assignment.


(Author Surname, Year Published)


SUMMARY: Prohibits a potential recipient of an organ transplant from being denied based solely on their use of medical marijuana (MM). Allows for an exception to this if the patient's use of MM, based on a case-by-case evaluation by a physician or surgeon, is found to be medically significant to the provision of the anatomical gift.
1) The Compassionate Use Act, enacted by the approval of Proposition 215 at the November 6, 1996, statewide general election established the right of patients and their primary caregivers to obtain and use MM, as recommended by a physician, in the treatment of cancer, anorexia, AIDS, chronic pain, spasticity, glaucoma, arthritis, migraine, or any other illness for which MM provides relief.
2) The Uniform Anatomical Gift Act regulates the making and distribution of organ donations.
COMMENTS: The Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network (OPTN) is a public-private partnership that links all professionals involved in the United States (U.S.) donation and transplantation system. The United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS) serves as the OPTN under contract with the Health Resources and Services Administration of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. UNOS is a private, non-profit organization. Currently, every transplant hospital program and organ procurement organization in the U.S. is an OPTN member. Membership means that their transplant programs are certified by UNOS, and that they play an active role in forming the policies that govern the transplant community. In California, there are 21 transplant centers (hospitals) and four Organ Procurement Organizations (OPOs), organizations authorized by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services to procure organs for transplantation.
Each individual hospital comes up with their own policies regarding how they evaluate a patient to determine whether or not they are eligible to receive an organ transplant. UNOS develops the policies to determine how available organs are distributed among eligible patients waiting for a transplant.
Substance use vs. abuse. A 2011 study published in the University of Michigan Journal of Law Reform, ""Transplant Candidates and Substance Use: Adopting Rational Health Policy for Resource Allocation,"" notes that the autonomy OPOs and hospitals have in determining selection criteria for transplant recipients has led to striking differences in selection tactics with regard to individuals who present issues of substance use and abuse, and one of the greatest areas of regulation that lacks
AB 258
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medical and policy foundation is medicinal marijuana use and cigarette smoking. The evidence of cigarette smoking harm is clear. According to the World Health Organization tobacco use causes 8.8% of deaths worldwide and kills more than 430,000 U.S. citizens each year – more than alcohol, cocaine, heroin, homicide, suicide, car accidents, fire, and acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) combined. According to a 2008 study of substance abuse policies for liver transplant candidates, those who smoke cigarettes are much more readily accepted by liver transplant centers than those who use marijuana, even though marijuana has been found to have beneficial health care uses, including relieving pain and curbing nausea.
The effect of MM on organ transplant recipients. A 2009 study published in the American Journal of Transplantation, ""Marijuana Use in Potential Liver Transplant Candidates"", notes that tetrahydrocannabinol, commonly known as THC, the active component in marijuana, may contribute to the development of various liver diseases and could exacerbate liver disease, however the study also notes that cannabinoids have been shown to help regulate immune system functions, and anti- inflammatory properties, potentially reducing the risk of rejection. The study finds that overall, the survival of marijuana users with chronic liver disease who present for transplant evaluation is not significantly different from marijuana non-users, and from those findings, the study concludes that marijuana users are not systematically exposed to excess risk of mortality.
A 2011 article in the American Journal of Hospice & Palliative Medicine, ""Medical Marijuana and Organ Transplantation: Drug of Abuse, or Medical Necessity?"" examined the case of a patient at a state-funded hospital, in a state where medicinal marijuana (MM) is legal, who was disqualified as a transplant recipient for his use of MM, even though it was recommended by his primary care physician. The patient subsequently died. The authors of the article concluded that this case shows the need for more research on the medical use of marijuana and for states that have made marijuana legal to examine how the laws affect the policies for state-funded hospitals.
According to the California Hospital Association, policies regarding the criteria for MM use and organ transplants vary at each institution. Eligibility to receive an organ depends upon the type of transplant in question and often includes active alcohol and drug abuse as a disqualifier for candidacy. Some institutions allow patients with a history of alcohol or substance abuse dependency to be given the opportunity to re-apply for transplantation after documented compliance with conditions such as abstinence, attending substance abuse treatment, and demonstrating negative drug tests. Many institutions make exceptions to their illicit substance use policies for MM when lawfully recommended by a physician for medical purposes prior to evaluation. However, some institutions make the distinction between smoking medicinal marijuana and ingesting medicinal marijuana.
The California Medical Association passed a resolution in December 2014 urging transplant programs to clearly indicate their policies on the use of cannabis to waiting list candidates prior to evaluation of candidacy and opposing blanket restrictions of potential organ transplant donors and recipients based solely on reported or detected marijuana use.
Currently six other states provide legal medical cannabis patients the protections proposed in this bill: Arizona, Delaware, Illinois, Minnesota, New Hampshire, and Washington. (Leginfo.legislature.ca.gov, 2015)

How to cite an Edited book in ALTEX style

Use the following template to cite an edited book using the ALTEX citation style.

Reference List

Place this part in your bibliography or reference list at the end of your assignment.


Author Surname, Author Initial. Year Published. Title. Publisher, City.


Rodman, S. 1957. Conversations with Artists. Devin-Adair, New York.

In-text citation

Place this part right after the quote or reference to the source in your assignment.


(Author Surname, Year Published)


I'm interested only in expressing basic human emotions — tragedy, ecstasy, doom and so on — and the fact that a lot of people break down and cry when confronted with my pictures show that I communicate those basic human emotions. … The people who weep before my pictures are having the same religious experience I had when I painted them. (Rodman, 1957)

How to cite an Email in ALTEX style

Use the following template to cite an email using the ALTEX citation style.

Reference List

Place this part in your bibliography or reference list at the end of your assignment.


Author Surname, Author Initial. Year Published. Title.


Investopedia,. 2010. Contract Theory Definition | Investopedia. Available at: http://www.investopedia.com/terms/c/contract-theory.asp [Accessed April 30, 2015].

In-text citation

Place this part right after the quote or reference to the source in your assignment.


(Author Surname, Year Published)


The study of how individuals and businesses construct and develop legal agreements. Contract theory analyses how parties to a contract make decisions under uncertain conditions, and when there is asymmetric information. It draws upon principles of financial and economic behaviour, as principles and agents often have different incentives to perform or not perform actions. (Investopedia, 2010)

How to cite an Encyclopedia article in ALTEX style

Use the following template to cite an encyclopedia article using the ALTEX citation style.

Reference List

Place this part in your bibliography or reference list at the end of your assignment.


Author Surname, Author Initial. Year Published. Title. Publication TitlePages Used.


Fossum, M., and M. Mason. 1986. Facing shame. W.W. Norton & Co., New York.

In-text citation

Place this part right after the quote or reference to the source in your assignment.


(Author Surname, Year Published)


""while guilt is a painful feeling of regret and responsibility for one’s actions, shame is a painful feeling about oneself as a person."" (Fossum and Mason, 1986)

How to cite an Interview in ALTEX style

Use the following template to cite an interview using the ALTEX citation style.

Reference List

Place this part in your bibliography or reference list at the end of your assignment.


Author Surname, Author Initial. Year Published. Title.


Program, C. 2015. Video: Bay 101: Water Clarity - Chesapeake Bay Program. Chesapeakebay.net. Available at: http://www.chesapeakebay.net/videos/clip/bay_101_water_clarity [Accessed April 21, 2015].

In-text citation

Place this part right after the quote or reference to the source in your assignment.


(Author Surname, Year Published)


Secchi Disc (Program, 2015)

How to cite a Magazine in ALTEX style

Use the following template to cite a magazine using the ALTEX citation style.

Reference List

Place this part in your bibliography or reference list at the end of your assignment.


Author Surname, Author Initial. Year Published. Title. Publication TitlePages Used. Available at: http://Website-Url [Accessed October 10, 2013].


Shaitly, S. 2012. Dsquared2 interview: Double vision. The Guardian. Available at: http://www.theguardian.com/fashion/2012/jul/15/qsquared2-interview-double-vision [Accessed April 28, 2015].

In-text citation

Place this part right after the quote or reference to the source in your assignment.


(Author Surname, Year Published)


We're not those types of conceptual designers. We make things we like, that our customers like, and that people actually wear. There's loads of other designers who do that other thing. To us, it's fashion: it's not reinventing the wheel, we're just trying to make it roll a little better. (Shaitly, 2012)

How to cite a Newspaper in ALTEX style

Use the following template to cite a newspaper using the ALTEX citation style.

Reference List

Place this part in your bibliography or reference list at the end of your assignment.


Author Surname, Author Initial. Year Published. Title. Publication TitlePages Used. Available at: http://Website-Url [Accessed October 10, 2013].


White, J. 2008. Straight talk about high-fructose corn syrup: what it is and what it ain't. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 88: 1716S-1721S.

In-text citation

Place this part right after the quote or reference to the source in your assignment.


(Author Surname, Year Published)


High-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) is a fructose-glucose liquid sweetener alternative to sucrose (common table sugar) first introduced to the food and beverage industry in the 1970s. It is not meaningfully different in composition or metabolism from other fructose-glucose sweeteners like sucrose, honey, and fruit juice concentrates. HFCS was widely embraced by food formulators, and its use grew between the mid-1970s and mid-1990s, principally as a replacement for sucrose. This was primarily because of its sweetness comparable with that of sucrose, improved stability and functionality, and ease of use. Although HFCS use today is nearly equivalent to sucrose use in the United States, we live in a decidedly sucrose-sweetened world: >90% of the nutritive sweetener used worldwide is sucrose. Here I review the history, composition, availability, and characteristics of HFCS in a factual manner to clarify common misunderstandings that have been a source of confusion to health professionals and the general public alike. In particular, I evaluate the strength of the popular hypothesis that HFCS is uniquely responsible for obesity. Although examples of pure fructose causing metabolic upset at high concentrations abound, especially when fed as the sole carbohydrate source, there is no evidence that the common fructose-glucose sweeteners do the same. Thus, studies using extreme carbohydrate diets may be useful for probing biochemical pathways, but they have no relevance to the human diet or to current consumption. I conclude that the HFCS-obesity hypothesis is supported neither in the United States nor worldwide. (White, 2008)

How to cite a Podcast in ALTEX style

Use the following template to cite a podcast using the ALTEX citation style.

Reference List

Place this part in your bibliography or reference list at the end of your assignment.


Author Surname, Author Initial. Year Published. Title. Publication Title. Available at: http://Website-Url [Accessed October 10, 2013].


Greenpeace.org.uk,. 2010. What we do | Greenpeace UK. Available at: http://www.greenpeace.org.uk/what-we-do.

In-text citation

Place this part right after the quote or reference to the source in your assignment.


(Author Surname, Year Published)


""Work for peace and disarmament
40 years ago the international community got together and agreed to work towards eliminating nuclear weapons.""
""Save the Arctic
The fragile Arctic is under threat from both climate change and oil drilling. As climate change melts the Arctic ice, oil companies are moving in to extract more of the fossil fuels that caused the melt in the first place.""
Eliminating toxic chemicals
""Toxics threaten our water, air, land, oceans - and our future.""
""Greenpeace is working to end illegal and destructive logging of the world's ancient forests, and to protect the rights of the indigenous peoples and species that depend on them.""
Defend oceans
""Our beautiful oceans are home to a staggering 80% of life on Earth. But destructive fishing, pollution and climate change are damaging them on a scale unimaginable to most people. ""
Fracking is the process of blasting water, sand and a cocktail of chemicals deep underground in order to get out the gas or oil."" (Greenpeace.org.uk, 2010)

How to cite a Song in ALTEX style

Use the following template to cite a song using the ALTEX citation style.

Reference List

Place this part in your bibliography or reference list at the end of your assignment.


Author Surname, Author Initial. Year Published. Title. Publisher, City. Available at: http://Website-Url [Accessed October 10, 2013].


Walport, M. 2013.

In-text citation

Place this part right after the quote or reference to the source in your assignment.


(Author Surname, Year Published)


'Science is not finished until it is communicated (Walport, 2013)

How to cite The Bible in ALTEX style

Use the following template to cite The Bible using the ALTEX citation style.

Reference List

Place this part in your bibliography or reference list at the end of your assignment.


Title,. Year Published. Publisher, City.


Wikipedia,. 2015. Manly ferry wharf. Available at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manly_ferry_wharf [Accessed April 28, 2015].

In-text citation

Place this part right after the quote or reference to the source in your assignment.


(Title, Year Published)


Accessed for information on Manly Wharf/Ferry Pier (Wikipedia, 2015)

How to cite a TV Show in ALTEX style

Use the following template to cite a TV Show using the ALTEX citation style.

Reference List

Place this part in your bibliography or reference list at the end of your assignment.


Anon. Year Published. Title.


Penn, H. 2013. The Costs of Childcare. Childhood Wellbeing Research Centre, London. Available at: http://www.cwrc.ac.uk/documents/CostsofchildcareJuly2013.pdf [Accessed April 24, 2015].

In-text citation

Place this part right after the quote or reference to the source in your assignment.


(Anon, Year Published)


At 167% of average earnings the childcare fees paid by a dual earner 
household typically amounts to approximately 43% of household income. (Penn, 2013)